Sparking an Earthquake: Another Trigger Model for the Pacific Rim Area

June 17, 2011 It was an unusually dry, still summer night in Berkeley California. That week there had been two medium sized quakes near the same epicenter on the University of California, Berkeley. There had been an electric edge to the day, but the energy seemed to have calmed.

At 3:50a.m. I was startled awake with the thought that the fault line had ignited. I cast my attention to the area I thought had erupted but nothing looked familiar. What I was seeing was a yellow, orange caramel colored cloud. It appeared fuzzy with strange strings zipping around. I tried to focus more closely but the cloud still looked almost vibrating, slightly out of focus and there still were strings zipping about.

My attention was drawn to the center of the cloud and I saw a baseball sized area darken to a light brown and then it collapsed on itself. Almost immediately I experienced a bright flash and watched the most violent explosion blossom and grow in front of me. I could not believe the colors of the roiling fire. Yellow, orange, red, brown, and black fire mixing together and expanding; and growing, and growing.

I waited for it to burn itself out, and waited, and waited. At that point I realized that time was moving very fast for me but this cloud was not burning out; it just kept expanding.  I have house shields, and also personal shields; the best I could do was to angle the house shields, hoping to deflect the energy and boost up my personal shields. The energy field blew through the house shields and right through my shields. I was shaken and then stirred, because on the tail of the burning energy the earthquake rolled through.

Returning to normal time, I realized that from ignition it took about one and one half seconds for the burning cloud to reach me and I was 4.9 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake. Another odd aspect was that I smelled like I had been out in the sun and been burned; sort of ionized.

Match, set and game. My quake sparking model now was complete and it hung together.

Unfortunately, I was still trying to uncover why the energy field or dynecane was not a constant problem.